The Fourth Annual Core Bank Diaper Drive benefiting Nebraska Diaper Bank is November 1-30! You can bring diapers to any Core Bank location or donate online:
Headquarters – 178th and Burke
Bel Air – 121st and Center
Maple Street – 132nd and Maple
Granite Falls – 114th and Hwy 370
Q Street – 168th and Q
Last year Core Bank reached 21,340 diapers. This year they a have a goal of 30,000 diapers! Any monetary donations will be turned into the following diaper quantities:
$25 = 150 diapers
$50 = 300 diapers
$100 = 600 diapers
$250 = 1,500 diapers
$500 = 3,000 diapers
Year at a glance
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