What we do

We have provided over 8,141,492 diapers, which means 8,141,492 clean bottoms, happy parents and healthy babies!

While our ultimate goal is to end diaper need in the Heartland, providing diapers to parents in need benefits our community in so many more ways. A clean diaper is so much more than just a diaper! It’s hope, protection, health and a better home for each child.

Start Changing Lives

Our Process

Babies Deserve Clean Diapers

Diaper banks are revolutionizing the way communities care for new parents all across America.

The critical moment when a struggling family welcomes a little one can be a tipping point, where the overwhelming cost of diapers can mean the difference between prosperity and heartache. No parent should have to compromise the health of their child, so we go to great lengths to offer a solution, including:

  • Diaper sizes Newborn through 6, so no parent feels the need to squeeze a baby into too small a diaper
  • High quality name brand diapers by request, for sensitive bottoms
  • An unparalleled 60-80 diapers per month, depending on the size.
Make Your Impact!


A diaper bank model reaches the most children by partnering with social service agencies and religious organizations to extend our reach in the Heartland. The diaper bank approach limits unnecessary duplication of services, reduces administrative expenses, and works collaboratively to solve a basic human need at the community level for infants and young children.

The Nebraska Diaper Bank provides 60-80 diapers, or a 2 week supply, per child to the partner organization. By providing diapers, the diaper bank is giving an incentive to its partner organizations that could keep parents coming back to social programs that can help them break the cycle of poverty.